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without producers cunsumers will die. without consumers producers will probably over populate

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Q: How do producer and consumer depend on each other?
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In economics, the opposite of a producer is a consumer. A producer makes a product, and a consumer uses the product that the producer makes. Both parts are essential to virtually all economic systems, regardless of how each part of the system is treated.

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The living organisms depend on each other for their food & shelter. EG: Fungi and algae depend on each other .

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The three energy roles in an ecosystem are producers, consumers, and decomposers. ;)

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How do producer consumers and decomposers depend on each other?

Good question. Firstly, producers get their energy energy from the sun through photosynthesis, creating or producing nutrients in the plant. A herbivore consumer can then eat it getting it's nutrients so, consumers rely on producers for their food but decomposers rely on a carnivore or omnivore (consumer) to eat some species of a consumer. The decomposer, lets say a earth worm eats and consumes the rest of the animal breaking it down to it's core nutrients. So I guess you could say decomposers rely on carnivores/omnivores to kill each other and herbivores, and herbivores/omnivores rely on producers for nutrients to eat.