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Q: How do producers differ from all other organisms in an ecosystem?
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What is the most important role of photosynthetic organisms in an ecosystem?

Photosynthetic organisms are the producers of an ecosystem. All other organisms depend directly or indirectly on the producers

What two parts make up an ecosystem?

The two parts of an ecosystem are Producers and Consumers. Producers are plants and other organisms that produce their own food. Consumers are the organisms that eat producers to survive.

What are produsers?

Producers in an ecosystem refers to things that grow and supply food to other organisms. Plants are the common producers in any ecosystem.

What do producer do in an ecosystem?

Producers are plants that give us oxygen, and vegetables and fruits. Producers don't eat other producers and organisms, they only get eaten, or used as food by other organisms.

Who do producers depend on in an ecosystem?

Producers do not depend on other organisms in quite the same was as consumers do. They depend directly on the sun for energy. Other organisms do influence producers though, such as fellow producers competing for sunlight (blocking out from other producers) as well as consumers, which are a danger to producers.

How does a heterotorph differ from an autotroph?

They differ in one fundamental way:Autotrophs fix their own energy. (They are the producers of the ecosystem.)Heterotrophs must get their energy from other sources. (They are the consumers, detritivores, or decomposers of the ecosystem.)

What is a type of organism that undergoes photosynthesis converting energy into a usable form of food for other organisms in an ecosystem?


What is a type of organism that undergoes photosynthesis converting energy into usable form of food for other organisms in an ecosystem?


What is the type of organism that undergoes photosynthesis converting energy into a usable form of food for other organisms in an ecosystem?


Name the three energy roles of organisms in an ecosystem?

The three energy roles in an ecosystem are producers, consumers, and decomposers. ;)

What animals in the ocean are producers?

In a marine ecosystem, algae are the producers. Algae are producers because they make their own food through the process of photosynthesis just like green plants. Consumers are the other types of organisms in this ecosystem.