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They get eaten by first level consumers otherwise known as herbivores. The herbivores have digestive systems capable of using/digesting the sugars polymers in the plant's tissues.

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Q: How do producers transfer their energy to first-level consumers?
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Why are autotrophs sometimes referred to as producers and heterotrophs as consumers?

Autotroph are producers which is life forms that can transfer solar energy into chemical energy. However, heterotrophs are consumers dependent on the chemical energy produced by autotrophs.

Where do producers consumers an decomposers obtain energy?

The energy in the producers comes from the sun. It feeds the consumers. The decomposers ultimately release the energy from the consumers and the producers that were not consumed.

How producers consumers and decomposers obtain energy?

producers obtain energy from water and sunlight, consumers obtain energy from producers and decomposers obtain energy from comsumers.

How do producers and consumers get their energy?

Producers and consumers exchange energy and matter in various ways. The producers are used as food for the consumers and the consumers are used as fertilizer and food for producers when they die.

How do producers and consumers use their energy?

Consumers mainly obtain energy from the food that they eat. This means that their source of energy will be from the producers.

What is the role of producers consumers and decomposers in an ecosystem?

Producers capture energy and stores it in food. Consumers get their energy by eating other organisms. Decomposers decomposes the consumers, producers and waste materials to products that are again useful for producers. Thus, consumers do not actually have a role, while producers and decomposers do.

What do Consumers obtain energy by eating what and other consumers?

THey obtain energy by eating consumers and producers.

How consumers acquire energy to live?

By eating producers or other consumers.

Why does respiration take place in producers and consumers?

Cellular respiration is the process by which producers and consumers get energy from food and convert that energy into molecules of ATP, the energy molecule of the cell.

Process by which producers and consumers release stored energy from food molecules?

The process by which producers and consumers release stored energy from food molecules is respiration.