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Q: How do quadracepts and hamstrings move your lower leg?
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What is the action of hamstrings during heavy leg curls?

The action of bending the leg at the knee and pulling the foot backward is called knee flexion. Gym equipment allows users to pull up on a weighted lever behind the lower leg to strengthen the hamstrings.

Where in the body would you find the hamstrings?

The hamstrings are located on the back of the thigh.

Name the muscle group that flexes the lower leg?

The dorsiflexors include the extensorum longus, the tibialis anterior, and the peroneus.

What action does the hamstrings perform?

biceb femoris, semimembranous, semitendinosus

Muscle located on the lower leg move the what?


What does your hamsting do?

The hamstrings cross and act upon two joints - the hip and the knee. They extend the hip, flex the knee and rotate the lower leg inward when the knee is bent. The hamstrings also extends the hip as when beginning to walk; both short and long hamstring heads flex the knee and outwardly rotates the lower leg when the knee is bent. The hamstrings play a crucial role in many daily activities, such as, walking, running, jumping, and controlling some movement in the trunk.

Hamstrings in in a leg extension machine?

I like to do hamstring curls to work the lower part of my hamstrings which dead lifts don't really touch. But my gym is gay and only has those seated hamstring curl machines where you actually SIT on your hamstrings, the most stupid thing i have ever seen, yes sit on the muscle you are trying to work. Anyway I can do improvised curls on the leg extension machine, if I face the seat.

What muscles are used in star jumps?

The muscles used in a squat jump are the quads, and the hamstrings. The lower back muscles and the abdominals are used also

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What are triceps biceps and hamstrings?

triceps and biceps are related (triceps for extemsion of the arm, biceps for flexion). Hamstrings are at a different place (in the leg). No relation

Leg extension exercises focus on which muscle region of the body?

Leg extension exercises focus on quadriceps.

What muscle are used to flex the leg?

The quadricep and the hamstring flex the leg. When you flew, your quads tense up and contract while the hamstrings relax. When your leg is at rest , your hamstrings contract and your quads are relaxed.