

How do relationships make people feel?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Relationships can make people feel happy or sad.

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Q: How do relationships make people feel?
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How do you feel about relationships?

that they are good for almost every person they make you feel important

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Why does your husband base your relationship on other people relationships?

Some people feel a need to know exactly how things are going to play out in their life, or have a marker for examples in their life. To have this, they take other people's experiences, life, relationships, decisions, etc. and apply it to themselves and/or others around them. It can make for the predictions to feel more concrete and founded to them since it's [whatever action] has happened to someone, or it can make them feel like they aren't alone in whatever the case may be.

How do abusive relationships make women feel?

Abusive relationships make women feel insecure, alone, afraid, and devalued. They can also make a woman feel hopeless, helpless and sad. Other feelings can be angry, outraged and suicidal. Abused woman should seek help for the abuse they have suffered.

How common is domestic violence in relationships?

It is very common. In relationships people feel cheated, unloved, and this most times leads to violence.

When do people start serious relationships?

Like love Relationships just happen, there is no certain age. When you feel satisfied and happy in a Relationship, than.

What things are happy?

friends, family, relationships, and EVERYTHING just enjoy life and if you are feeling upset talk to people about it you will feel a lot better i promise. These make you forget about the past.

What is basic underlying reason you establish relationships?

Humans have a need for socialization and acceptance. Everyone needs to feel loved, appreciated, and needed. To get all of these people have relationships to feel that connection with another person and to satisfy their needs.

What does red make people feel?

The color red can make people feel different emotions. It could make people feel embarrassed, angry, mad, upset or depressed.

What do you do if your girlfriend doesn't care about your feelings?

Try talking to her about how you feel. If she doesn't care then what's the point in being with her. Relationships are supposed to make you feel good.

What relationships are important to young people?

friends and family because they are always there for you when you need help and feel sad.

What disorder is that when the person does not feel emotions don't feel love not motivated in life and can't make constant social relationships even with the people close to him?

this is called psychopathy. thats not really true as psychopathy is a blanket term for many mental illnesses