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How do Mammals reproduce? How do fish reproduce? How do Birds reproduce? Sex. Reptiles, like all of the other things I listed. Have sex.

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14y ago

Reptiles lay eggs.

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Q: How do reptiles produce young?
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Does warmer or colder temperatures produce males in reptiles?

Its warmer temprature that reptiles produce males

Do reptiles feed their young milk?

No. Only mammals produce and feed their young true milk, that is a lactose-based liquid secreted through mammary glands. Some birds produce that is often called "croup milk", that is a partially digested food mixture, and they regurgitate it to their young, but it is not true milk. Snakes also produce venom, that when harvested (usually for the purpose of making anti-venoms), is often called "milking" the snake. This is not used for any form of feeding, and is not milk either.

Does a baby sea turtle drink milk from its mother?

No. Turtles are reptiles, not mammals, and do not feed their young on mothers' milk.

How do box turtles reproduce?

A male and a female will mate to produce young.

Do reptiles produce live young?

Yes - in particular the boas. They retain the fertilised eggs within the mothers body until they're fully formed and 'give birth' to the live young.

How do reptiles feed young?

They don't ! Once the young reptiles are born (or hatched) - they are completely independent from the 'parent' reptile.

Do all reptiles produce soft shells?


Do rattlesnakes produce milk?

No. Snakes are reptiles. Only mammals produce milk.

What is the relationship between the kind of eggs reptiles produce and where reptiles live?

transformers r the bomb

Do reptiles give young hatch from eggs or born alive?

Reptiles hatch from eggs.

Do amphibians and reptiles feed young with milk?

No , they don't feed young .

Do rattlesnakes nurse their young?

No. It is a well know fact that reptiles do not nurse.