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Somethimes your left hand is stronger than your right hand at things. Like at Baseball practice i found out tht my left hand is stronger then my rights=!

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Q: How do right handed people sometimes do things with their left hand?
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Is a right handed guitar for a right handed person?

Yes, a right handed guitar is for right handed people.

What is another word for right handed people?

Another word for right handed people is "dextral" and For left handed people "sinistral"

Would it be better to be left handed or right handed?

Most people are right handed & fewer people are left handed. Some people even think it's better to be right handed! But the truth is, it really doesn't matter. So if you're left or right handed...Both of them are good!

Is drawing more difficult for left handed people?

good drawers and musician come right handed, left handed and ambixtrous. Life is a little more difficult for left handed people because most things come for right handed persons. Accidents in autos and in the job had bringed coclutions to make ambitrous or left handed tools.

Are the veronica's left handed or right handed?

Both Jess and Lisa are right handed. You can tell from photos and videos of them signing things :)

Is Niall Horan both left handed and right handed?

Mostly left handed but he uses his right hand for some things.

Were there more right handed or left handed people on the Mormon trail?

There is no record of the 'handedness' of the Mormon pioneers, but we can assume that most were right handed simply because most people are right handed.

How many are right handed?

The ratio of left handed people to right handed people is 1:10 and there are around 6,692,030,277 in the world, so that means that around 6 022 827 249 right handed people.

How many percent of the world right handed?

96% of people are right handed

Is there a difference in being left or right handed?

left handed people have been proven to be smarter and quicker thinkers than right handed people, but some people say that they are clumsier. this however, is not true. they are more creative because they mainly use the right hemisphere of the brain, which controls perception, genius, creativity, and art. lefties can also adapt to everyday life better because they have to learn to use right handed things.

How many people are right hand?

The ratio of left handed people to right handed people is 1:10 and there are around 6,692,030,277 in the world, so that means that around 6 022 827 249 right handed people.

Who lives longer right handed or left handed?

On average, right-handed people live about nine years longer than left-handed people.