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By melting and then solidifying.

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11h ago

Metamorphic and sedimentary rocks can change into igneous rocks through the process of melting and cooling. When subjected to intense heat and pressure, the rocks can melt and form magma. This magma can then cool and solidify, forming igneous rocks.

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Q: How do rocks change from metamorphic or sedimentary rocks to igneous rocks?
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What are three types of rocks?

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How do igneous rocks form into metamorphic and sedimentary rocks?

Igneous-sedimentary weathering/erosion Igneous-Metamorphic high pressure and heat

When igneous and sedimentary rocks change then what happened next?

they change into metamorphic rocks

Can Metamorphic rocks can form from igneous but not from sedimentary rocks.?

Metamorphic rocks can form from both igneous and sedimentary rocks

Can metamorphic rocks can form from igneous but not from sedimentary rocks?

Metamorphic rocks can form from both igneous and sedimentary rocks

What are 3 major rock types?

Igneous Rocks,Sedimentary Rocks,Metamorphic Rocks.

Can metamorphic rocks form form igneous but not from sedimentary rocks?

Metamorphic rocks can form from both igneous and sedimentary rocks

Name the 3 kinds of rocks?

There are three major types of rock: igneous (formed from the cooling and solidification of magma or lava) sedimentary (laid down as sediments) and metamorphic (changed by heat and/or pressure)

Can any type of rock change?

Yes, because sedimentary rocks can change into metamorphic and metamorphic can change into igneous rocks.

What can make Sedimentary Rocks and Igneous Rocks change into Metamorphic Rocks?

heat and pressure.

How the igneous rocks change?

Igneous rocks change to Metamorphic rocks through heat and pressure. Igneous rocks change to sedimentary rocks through weathering and erosion until the igneous rock is sediments. The sediments then compact to form sedimentary rocks.

Can igneous rock be formed into a metamorphic rock?

An igneous rock can be metamorphosed (changed) into a metamorphic rock but will no longer be an igneous rock. An igneous body can be intruded into metamorphic rocks but will still be an igneous rock that is different from the surrounding metamorphic rocks. Ethier answer work depending on how the question is read.