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Q: How do rocks geologists determine time periods?
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What does rocks have to do with geology?

Geology is the study of the earth. Since much of the earth is made up of rocks, most geologists spend time studying how the rocks change over time, along with their history and formation.

How did geologists determine the divisions of the geologic time scale?

Mainly abrupt changes in mineral layers or the fossils in them.

What information did geologists use to develop the geologic time scale?

Radiometric dating and association of fossils with time scales during the periods when life existed.

How are index fossils used by uniformitarian geologists?

Uniformitarian geologists will use this method to determine which layer of rock formed at which time period of earth's history, and the order of the formation.

What are the units of time defined by the presence of major types of rocks called?


How can fossils be used to date rocks?

Geologists look for index fossils in the sedimentary rock to help determine its age. Index fossils are of organisms that were widespread and only existed during a specific slice of geologic time. Finding an index fossil in a rock means that the rock dates to that specific slice of time.

How can the principles of stratigraphy be used to do relative age dating?

Geologists generally know the age of a rock by determining the age of the group of rocks, or formation, that it is found in. The age of formations is marked on a geologic calendar known as the geologic time scale. Development of the geologic time scale and dating of formations and rocks relies upon two fundamentally different ways of telling time: relative and absolute.

How the characteristics of an index fossil are useful to geologists?

It gives information to scientists about the past. It also provides a reference of time throught rock layers. It can identify and define geological periods of time.

How are the characteristics of index fossils useful to geologists?

It gives information to scientists about the past. It also provides a reference of time throught rock layers. It can identify and define geological periods of time.

How geologists designate the different time periods in earths ancient past?

Geologists divide Earth's history into supereons (there's only one, the precambrian), supereons are divided into eons (there are four), eons are divided into eras, eras are divided into periods (Periods may be the most common divisions you read about. The Jurassic is a period), periods are divided into epochs, epochs are divided into ages.After the first era (the Cryptic) The various divisions are mostly determined buy the emergence of some form of life.

Why is geologic time scale used to show earths history?

because the time span of earth past is so great geologic

What do paleontologists use to determine age of rocks?

Paleontologists use fossils to determine the relative ages of rocks. Due to evolution the fossil assemblage in rocks changes over time and the different assemblages can therfore be used to place the rocks in which an assemblage is found in its place in the evolutionary sequence.