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Maurice and Roger show their power by throwing rocks at the littluns playing with the sand castle, but Maurice's conscience tells him that it is wrong, so he feels ashamed at the end. This symbolizes that Maurice still has a bit of human civilization in him. Roger on the other hand seems to be the most evil of all the boys. He is the boy that kills Piggy and he seems to want power a lot. He throws rocks at the littluns and he is Jack's right hand man. Near the end of the book, when they take Samneric captive, Roger does something bad to them to make them go into Jack's group. Roger is described as being quiet, and he observe everything going on around him with close attention. So basically Maurice and Roger show their power by being forceful and violent.

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1mo ago

Roger shows that civilization still has some control over him by not directly hitting Henry with rocks, indicating some restraint in his actions. Maurice also demonstrates this by hesitating to fully participate in Jack's violent conquests, suggesting some internal conflict between his primal instincts and societal norms.

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12y ago

It is corrupted as jack misuses it

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Q: How do roger and maurice each show that civilization still has some control over them in lord of the flies?
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Lord of the Flies who knocks over the sand castle?

roger and maurice i believe...

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Lord of the Flies - Who knocks over the sand castle?

Roger knocks over the sand castle that the littluns built on the beach. This act foreshadows his later descent into savagery and violence as he becomes a key antagonist in the novel.

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It was in chapter 4 when Roger and Maurice kick down the littluns' sandcastles, afterward Maurice feels bad about it.

What are some bad things that maurice did to you lord of the flies?

Maurice is not depicted as doing particularly malicious things in "Lord of the Flies." He mainly follows the lead of other characters, such as Jack and Roger, and participates in acts of violence and aggression. Maurice does display a tendency to give in to the darker impulses of the group, particularly when they are hunting or tormenting others.

What does roger suggest in lord of the flies?

Roger suggests using violence and intimidation to maintain control and power within the group of boys on the island in "Lord of the Flies." He takes pleasure in causing harm to others and represents the dark and sadistic tendencies within human nature. Ultimately, he becomes a symbol of the boys' descent into savagery and the loss of civilization.

What do Maurice and roger do to the castles in ch 4 of lord of the flies?

Maurice and Roger throw rocks at the castles the boys are building, destroying their hard work and causing frustration among the group. This destructive behavior underscores the growing tensions and breakdown of order among the boys on the island.