

How do sadist act?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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Sadists are usually very cruel people who enjoy the physical and emotional pain of others. As well as causing pain to others for their own gratification.

as a medical issue some people deep down have Sadistic need to harm another, these people are not mentaly healthy and its becomes abuse.

A healthy outlet for some:

Not all Sadists are cruel, many in the Lifestyle of BDSM are very loving sane warm hearted humans, who just happen to get turned on sexualy by inflicting pain on masochists who love the pain there feeling and in return also get turned on by the pain, its safe, sane and consentual, not a act of violence or abuse, though being wittnessed by someone unaware of it being consentual and not in the BDSM lifestyle it could seem very violent or abussive.

the key is consentual, its always discused before hand between all involved

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