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Q: How do salmon fertilize there eggs?
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What is salmon milt?

Male Salmon Sperm in the mass there-of before it is dispersed to fertilize Salmon eggs.

How fast are salmon?

Salmon don't have sex instead they fertilize the eggs by basically spraying semen on them this however is not very effective and only a few of the several thousand eggs will actually get fertilized

Does salmon undergo internal fertilisation?

No, the female places her eggs into the stream bed, and one or more males move in to fertilize them.

Do you have to have a roaster to fertilize eggs?

If no roaster one hen will start to fertilize the eggs.

Do fish use external reproduction or internal reproduction?

The salmon reproduces externally. The female salmon will lay the eggs and then the males will shoot their semen on top of the eggs to fertilize them.

What are Chinook salmon eggs?

Chinook salmon eggs are basically just eggs laid by the Chinook salmon.

What is the organ where eggs develop and fertilize?

fertilize egg

Do male parrots fertilize eggs?

Yes. As with all birds a male is needed to fertilize the eggs.

Are salmon born alive or eggs?

Salmon hatch from eggs.

How long is a fish pregnunt?

Most of them aren't. There are a few exceptions (sharks, seahorses..) but most of them lay eggs. Methods vary, some species fertilize the eggs after they're laid(salmon for instance), some will mate first, and then lay fertilized eggs.

How do salmon carry out external fertilisation?

The female fish lays a great amount of her eggs in a good, protected spot, then the male swims over it and ejects his sperm cells in a fluid. This settles down over the batch of eggs, and the sperm fertilize most if not all the eggs.

Salmon What happens to the young salmon.?

If they are farm salmon, they swim around, eat, and grow. If they are land-locked salmon (lake) salmon like silver salmon (kokanee), they swim around, eat, grow, lay eggs, and fertilize them, and tend them. If they are andromedous salmon, the are born in a stream or ocean, sometimes hundreds of miles from the ocean. When they get a couple of years old, or so, they swim downstream, enter the ocean, and eat lots of ocean creatures that make them grow very large, with a rather oily flesh. Some are eaten by ocean animals that love salmon, and the remainder, after several years in the ocean, find the streams of their babyhood and swim up them, sometimes hundreds of miles, to where they were born. Some are eaten by bears or otters, others are caught by fishermen, and some simply die of exhaustion. The ones that make it all the way upstream get together and spawn (lay eggs, fertilize them, tend to the eggs until babies are born.)