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They hope by getting a signal from the radio waves.

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Q: How do scientist hope to find out if there is life on other planets?
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Where can you find scientist?

Well if you go two Alberta Calgary science center you will find a real scientist Hope that helps :)

Does the other planets go around the sun?

Our nine planets orbit around the Sun. Other planets that are light-years away orbit around their suns (A sun is just a large star with planets). Hope this helped!

What do scientist hope learn in space?

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We haven't found any on Mars, but we're still looking. The other planets have barely been touched; so far, we can only hope.

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Yes There is i found out that there are at lest 18th planets in space each one has a different orbit like Ceres Haumea Makemake Eris Sedna Quaoar and other planets but u find them here copy and paste in the URL address bar 18th other planets ^^ hope u like them email me

What kind of storms are in other planets?

On Neptune strong winds can reach 2,400 MPH! Hope i could help!!!!!!!

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Well the order of planets from the sun is mercury Venus earth mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune so the two closest planets from earth would be Venus and mars! Hope this helped

What are ways people study space?

getting rocks from other planets, discovering constellations with telescopes, satellites, and many other ways i hope this helps

What do you call an scientist?

you call a scientist a scientist but there are different study's in science which are called different names i hope this helps.:)

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Not for those with this bad spelling like in this question:"Is there any hope of scientist after bscchemistry honrous"

Which are the rocky planets the terrestrial planets and the gas planets?

The terrestrial planets are; Mercury Venus, Earth, Marswhile the gas planets are; Jupiter Saturn uranus and neptune hope that helps u!!