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Meteorologists usually have help from Doppler radars. Therefore, it is possible to detect rotation in a storm system. This rotation indicates a high probability of finding tornadoes in the area. However, meteorologists can also look for favorable conditions. For example, thunderstorms with tornadoes often develop in warm, moist air in advance of eastward-moving cold fronts. However, tornado predictions are still imprecise.

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Q: How do scientist predict where a tornado will hit?
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What type of scientist would predict a tornado?

A meteorologist.

What type of scientist would likely predict a tornado?

A meteorologist.

What type of scientist predict a tornado?

One who studies weather, a meteorologist.

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It is impossible to predict when any given location will be hit by a tornado.

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It is impossible to predict when the next tornado will hit any given location.

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Unfornuntately, is is impossible to predict when then next tornado will hit anywhere.

How does scientist predict a tornado?

air pressure,temperature & humidity,wind speed

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It is impossible to predict when the next tornado will hit anywhere.

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It is impossible to predict when a specific location will be hit by a tornado.

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The National Hurricane Center predicts, or at least tries to predict, hurricanes in the vicinity of the U.S.

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Whether any specific location will be hit by a tornado on any given day is impossible to predict.