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They use actual data gathered from previous weather patterns, temperatures and other information.

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6mo ago

Scientists use complex computer models known as climate models to calculate future climate change predictions. These climate models simulate the Earth's climate system by incorporating data on greenhouse gas emissions, land use changes, and other factors that influence climate. By running these models with different scenarios and assumptions, scientists can predict how these changes will affect global temperature, precipitation patterns, sea level rise, and other climate variables in the future.

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Which is not a reason why scientists are limited in their ability to make predictions to climate change?

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Meteorologists study the upper atmospheric condition for the predictions of weather conditions, and the climate.

Scientists say that climate data from nine different countries indicate that every country will be hit with major climate changes during this century. How can scientists make such predictions?

Scientists observe data trends by observing temperatures, over long periods of time and observing related climatic changes associated with those trends, This includes winds, precipitation, cloud cover. The data is then incorporated into climate algorithms which calculated trends and impacts into the future. The predicted trends are verified as time passes to improve the algorithms to generated better trend data. This results in future estimations of climate change.

How do scientists determine when one era ends?

There are significant changes in climate and/fossils.

What are 2 types of global changes concerning scientists?

Global warming and climate chang

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Scientists believe that changes in the Earth's climate cause extinction of trees;P

How do scientist predict climate?

The scientists observe the changes in climate very carefully. They know that the daily changes in climate are caused by storms and fair weather moving over the Earth . They know that the seasoning changes are due to the turning of Earth around the sun.The most important cause of climate is the heating and cooling of the air.

How have astronomical conditions contributed to global climate changes?

They haven't. Scientists agree that global climate change is caused by human burning of fossil fuels and deforestation.

How can scientists predict global warming?

Climate is easier to predict than weather, as climate is not subject to the same vagaries. Scientists use complex computer simulations to model climate change. Climate models have successfully predicted changes on all seven of the eight planets in our solar system which possess atmospheres. Mercury, with no atmosphere, essentially has no climate.

Do scientists make up the earth's changing climate?

No, scientists neither create the climate, nor imagine the changes occurring within it. Instead, they measure the change.Some climate scientists are financially or politically motivated (generally by the fossil fuel industry) to find no correlation between human activity and climate change. Most scientists, however, lack any financial incentive to find one way or the other. Claims climate scientists not funded by the fossil fuel industry are financially invested in the outcomes of their research are simply false. In fact, climate scientists have an incentive to overturn the current findings. This is how scientists win fame and acclaim--NOT by upholding established findings.

Is there a connection between recent droughts and climate change?

Some people would say that droughts and floods and other weather events are increasing and this is a sign of climate change. Scientists are more cautious. Climate changes over a number of years, and scientists would say there is not yet a definite connection.