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A scientific prediction, or hypothesis, is always stated using the "if, then" method. IF this happens, THEN this will result.

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Q: How do scientists usually state predictions?
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Scientists use models to represent real situationsand to make? make predictions. Scientists will then compare their predictions to what happens in the real world. If their predictions equaled what happened in reality, the model is good. If the predictions were different, the scientists know they have to refine the model to better predict what will happen.



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How do scientists make predictions?

Scientists make predictions with a hypothesis. Using their observations, models, and other scientists' work, they create a statement of a possible outcome called a hypothesis. Then scientists design tests to check whether their prediction was true.

What do scientists usually do when a problem first arises?

Make predictions about what will happen under certain circumstances.

How do Scientists always prove or disprove their explanations by?

Making predictions & then testing them.

What type of scientists might make predictions about the path of a hurricane?

A meteorologist.

How do Scientists always prove or disprove their explanations?

Making predictions & then testing them.

How Scientists always prove or disprove their explanations by .?

Making predictions & then testing them.

Scientists can test predictions for situationsin which impossible or unethical to use experiments?


When scientists make predictions that can be tested what skill is being used?

The hypothesis ithink