

How do sea horse's find their food?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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sea horses wait until their prey

is close enough and eats it ;]

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Q: How do sea horse's find their food?
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Related questions

How do you sea horses eat their food?

Sea horses eat their food through their snout. Sea horses eat continuously as they do not have completely functional digestive systems.

What kind of food do sea horses eat?

Sea grass and moss

Where do horses find they food?

Horses primarily find their food in pastures, where they graze on grass and other vegetation. They may also be fed hay, grains, and supplements by their owners as part of their diet. Water is also an essential part of a horse's diet, and they can usually find it in water troughs or buckets provided for them.

Are sea horses on the top middle or bottom of the food chain?

They are in the middle

How does a sea horses get tiny animals?

They have a vacuum cleaner-like snout. They suck in their food as it swims by. You can find a lot of information on seahorses at the link below.

How can the horses find their food?

They can usually smell it.

How do przewalski horses get food?

The same way other horses get food: by using their noses to find it and their mouths to eat it.

Do sea horses eat sea horses?


Are seahorses helpful?

Sea Horses are small sea creatures that can be pets. They live in reefs which does help the food cycle/life cycle but they don't do anything for humans and I think the world would go on if their were no sea horses! (: Does that answer?

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They find their food there

What name is sometimes given to Carmargue horses?

Horses of the sea, or sea horses.

Do sea horses breed?

Uh, if they didn't breed, how are they supposed to have more sea horses? Yes, sea horses breed.