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Q: How do seahorses interact with humans?
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Related questions

What non living animals do seahorses interact with?

Humans, each other, as well as dolphins.

Do female seahorses give male seahorses trichomoniasis?

Trichomonas vaginalis infects only humans, not seahorses.

Do Humans interact with pandas?

they do interact with humans

How do seahorses interact with the interact with the environment?

seahorses eat other small animals such as krill. If seahorses wouldn't exist the population of krill would be to much. Hence seahorses are useful animals and we should protect the. But remember every animal has a purpose of living.

How do elephants interact with humans?

Only tamed elephants can interact with humans but wild elephants can't interact with humans.

How are seahorses affected by humans?

people use them as medicene

How do humans interact with pandas?

humans interact with pandas using hotmail or yahoo :)

How do humans interact with panda's?

humans interact with pandas using hotmail or Yahoo :)

How humans interact with pandas?

humans interact with pandas using hotmail or Yahoo :)

Does a seahorse travel in a group or on there own?

Seahorses are solitary creatures that rarely interact with other seahorses in the wild, except in order to mate.

What are seahorses eaten by?

Seahorses are food for different crustaceans, as well as fish. Their biggest threat is humans, who use them to make medicine.

Do humans see seahorses?

Yes... Yes they do... A seahorse is not invisible so therefore humans can see it.