

How do sediments turn into rock?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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12y ago

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Through time and compression.

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Q: How do sediments turn into rock?
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How do exsting rock turn into sediments?

the rock will turn to sediment after imeanse pressure.

What would happen to a metamorphic rock that was wheathered and broken down into sediments?

The sediments made of the metamorphic rock would turn into sedimentary rock.

When many years go by sediments turn into what?


What can happen to a rock once its form?

it can turn into molten rock it can be heated and pressured and turn into metamorphic it can weather and turn to sediments

What happens when rocks weathered?

When sedimentary rocks are weathered and eroded, they turn into sediments. And after compaction and cementation of the sediments, it will turn back into sedimentary rock.

How can a igneous and metamorphic rock turn into sediments?

Igneous and metamorphic rock can be turned into sediments through weathering and erosion. For example: wind, water, and gravity.

What can happen to a sedimentary rock once it's formed?

it can turn into molten rock it can be heated and pressured and turn into metamorphic it can weather and turn to sediments

How does rock fragments turn into rock?

Rock fragments are called sediments and by a process called lithification they turn into sedimentary rocks. Lithification is made up by compaction and cementation which is by pressure and a natural glue that is formed from groundwater the sediments stick together and then harden into rock.

How does a newly formed rock turn in to sediment?

Over a long period of time, the rock erodes into sediments. These sediments, along with pressure and water, form sedimentary rocks.

Rocks that form when layers of rock particles are squeezed or stuck together?

I beileve the awnser would be Sedimentary Rocks because you know that if Igneous rocks are weathering, they turn into sediments. And if the sediments are squeezed or stuck together it would make a sedimentary rock. And the rock particles are sediments.

How is sediment created?

Sediments are deposited on to other sediments and immense heat and pressure turn the sediments into a rock

How does metamorphic rock turn into another type of rock?

It can be worn down to create sediments that become seidmentary rock, or it can melt and harden to form igneous rock.