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Q: How do sloths sleep in trees without falling out of the tree?
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Do sloths sleep in trees?

yes, ivery sloth's do.

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Do sloths swing on vines?

No they just sleep on the branches of trees.

What do sloths sleep?

I don't understand this Q but they sleep in trees while upside down

What type of trees do sloths sleep in?

the umbrella shaped cecropia tree or tropical palm trees?

Can sloths climb?

Yes they sleep in the trees but cannot swing from the branches or anything like that

What is sloths life like?

their life is very slow and they stay with their family until they die a horrible slow death from falling out of a tree.... slowly... they sleep in trees, usually on big branches... slowly. FIN!

How does sloth build its home?

i think sloths live in trees and just sleep upside down all day

Where do monkeys go for shelter?

some monkeys live in zoo's or in rainforests and jungles. the sleep on the trees like sloths.

Can sloths jump?

The closest thing they do to jumping is falling out of trees. They are known to climb down to the ground when they want to move to a different tree.

Slothes are nocturnal?

Sloths are extremely slow-moving mammals found in Central and South America. They are nocturnal animals and sleep curled up in trees.

Can sloths walk?

No sloths can't walk they even give birth on trees,