

How do snakes subdue their prey?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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Either by constriction or venom.

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they swallow them

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Q: How do snakes subdue their prey?
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No - Pine snakes are non-venomous. They subdue their prey by constriction.

Are king snakes venomous or poisons?

Nope - King snakes are constrictors. They subdue their prey by squeezing the victim's body so tightly that it cannot breathe in.

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The common name for snakes that kill by that method is - constrictors. This does not, however just apply to the Boa Constrictor species. There are many snakes that use this method to subdue their prey.

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Rattle snakes are their prey.

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are used to capture and subdue prey

What is a snakes predator?

Birds of Prey, other snakes.

Are non poisonous snakes really non poisonous?

Absolutely. Non-venomous means exactly that... Species that don't employ venom to subdue their 'prey' usually employ the constriction method.

Why are some snake bites poisonous?

There are no poisonous snakebites. Snakes are not poisonous but some are venomous - big difference. Some snakes have developed a venom system that helps them bring down prey items as well as a mean of self defense.

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they prey for lots of snakes like rattle snakes

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Do all snakes constricked their prey?

not all snakes constrict their prey. there are two groups of snakes. the ones who constrict, or strangle their prey, and there are ones who use their venom and bite the prey. but no, there is not a snake that uses venom and constricts their prey. either they have sharp teeth with venom or very strong muscles.