

How do soils sustain life?

Updated: 6/18/2024
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10y ago

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Soils sustain life by using organic material for nutreints.

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1mo ago

Soils sustain life by providing a habitat for organisms such as plants, fungi, bacteria, and insects. They also serve as a medium for plant roots to obtain water, nutrients, and support for growth. Additionally, soils help regulate the water cycle and store carbon, playing a crucial role in nutrient cycling and ecosystem stability.

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What is the difference between mature and immature soils?

Mature soils are well-developed soils that have well-defined soil horizons and a balanced composition of organic matter and minerals. Immature soils, on the other hand, are soils that are still developing and lack well-defined horizons, often having a simpler composition and less organic matter. Mature soils generally support a wider range of plant life compared to immature soils.

Are the smallest living unit that can carry on life processes is what?

The smallest living unit that can carry on life processes is a cell. Cells are considered the basic unit of life and are capable of performing all the necessary functions to sustain life.

Where does the energy the energy for life come from?

The energy for life comes from the food we eat, which is broken down in our bodies to produce a molecule called adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is the primary energy carrier in cells and is used for various biological processes to sustain life.

Why is mother nature a she?

Referring to nature as "she" may stem from cultural or poetic traditions that associate femininity with nurturing and life-giving qualities, similar to the role of a mother. It is a way of personifying nature and highlighting its ability to sustain and nurture life.

What term includes all the life activities required to keep an organism alive?

The term that includes all the life activities required to keep an organism alive is "metabolism." Metabolism involves processes such as obtaining nutrients, converting them into energy, and eliminating waste products to sustain life.

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No planet except the planet Earth is known to sustain life till date.

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