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Solar Panels and Electricity

There are more than one type of solar panel, but nearly all work by the same fundamental physics, and the very large majority of commercially available panels are made from silicon (Si). I will discuss this type here.

  • When silicon absorbs sunlight of a certain wavelength (shorter than ~1100 nm), an electron is excited into a state which is delocalized. In other words, this electron is now free to move around the entire panel with very little barrier. However, in a piece of plain old Si, there is no reason for it to go one direction rather than another (and electricity is the net movement of electrons in a single direction). In fact, the electron will move around in the Si randomly, and then eventually this electron will simply return to the ground, or unexcited, state and release heat (just like any black object does in the hot sun).
  • However, in the solar panel, there is something called a junction, where two slightly different materials meet. The two materials are actually both made of Si, but each one is doped (has a tiny percentage of other atoms mixed in) with a different element. The type of doping (the two types are called n- and p-type) of the Si determines its electrical properties. When an electron reaches this junction, it is either accelerated across it, or repelled by it, depending on which direction it is coming from (imagine water and a hill... water accelerates down the hill, but can't go up it).
  • Now there is directionality to the system. You attach a wire to each side of this junction, and when sunlight is absorbed, the free electrons now only flow in one direction, from one side of the junction to the other, driving a current through the external circuit.

Electricity is just that -- electrons having a net flow in a single direction along a wire.

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10y ago

Electricity from solar power can be produced by focusing the sun's light with mirrors or lenses to create a hot spot on a surface. The heat is used to boil water and create steam which turns a turbine or other system as are found in normal steam power plants.

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9y ago

they convert solar energy ( light from the sun) into electricity to use in houses or buisnesses.

to install, it costs money, but the energy is free from nature! :)

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What are the uses of solar panels in your day-to-life?

You can put solar panels on your roof to generate electricity from the sun. This can be stored in batteries or fed back into the grid.

Do solar cells help generate electricity?

Yes, they can be found in solar panels which obsord the sun for energy which can create both electricity and heat.

Is it true that solar panels are used to generate electricity?

YES. because it converts the solar energy into electrical energy

What type of energy does not use a turbine to generate electricity?

Solar energy does not use a turbine to generate electricity. Solar panels convert sunlight directly into electricity through photovoltaic cells, without the need for a turbine.

How do you use solar in a sentence?

We use solar panels to harness the energy of the sun and generate electricity for our home.

What would happen to solar panels if there was no sun out?

Solar panels would not generate electricity if there is no sunlight available. They rely on sunlight to produce electricity through the photovoltaic effect. In the absence of sunlight, the panels would not be able to convert solar energy into electrical energy.

Why can't solar panel work at night?

Solar panels require sunlight to generate electricity through the photovoltaic effect. At night, there is no sunlight available to provide energy to the solar panels, so they cannot generate electricity. Solar panels are designed to work during the day when the sun is shining.

What happens to solar panels when its a cloudy day?

Solar panels will still generate some electricity on a cloudy day, although the output will be lower compared to a sunny day. The efficiency of the solar panels will decrease as there is less sunlight available for conversion to electricity.