

How do space shuttles get payload back to earth?

Updated: 6/27/2024
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14y ago

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When the space shuttle goes through the atmosphere, the space shuttle can then by itself land safely because no fuel will be needed. You can use the atmosphere of the earth to slow the space shuttle down allowing it land safely with the payload. The payload will still be on the space shuttle because it won't be removed, only the equipment will be removed from the space shuttle. The shuttle has to do no work whatsoever when bringing it back to earth because it won't be needing fuel when landing on earth.

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Space shuttles typically use re-entry capsules to bring payload back to Earth. These capsules are equipped with heat shields to protect against the intense heat generated during re-entry. Once the capsule enters the Earth's atmosphere, parachutes are deployed to slow down the descent and safely land the payload on the ground or in the water.

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