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By living in a open water with other fish that helps them live.

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Q: How do stingrays survive in their environment?
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How can you help stingrays survive?

feed them a crocodile hunter

How do stingrays adatpt to there environment?

sting rays adapt to their new environment they can go under the sand because it is not adapted to the new environment. in other ways stingrays just swim freely

Why are stingrays good for the environment?

You're Mother is the answer to this question.

How do stingrays effect the environment?

Stingrays prefer to eat smaller fish and are usually not troublesome for an area. They do not multiply at quick rates because their reproduction process is slow.

Any adaptation that helps stingrays survive that other animals don't have?

They have a stinger at the end of their tail.

Do stingrays have a heart?

Stingrays definitely do have hearts. The hearts on stingrays are located in the center of their bodies just like many other animals.

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Why homo sapiens adapt to their environment?

To survive to their environment

Is individuals with variations that make them better adapted to their environment will not survive?

no organisms adapt to the environment to help them survive

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they can only survive on the moon

Do only a few organisms react to their environment to survive true or false?

No, all organisms react to their environment to survive.

What is the collective noun for stingrays?

The collective noun for 'stingrays' is a fever of stingrays.