

How do string rays get food?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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Q: How do string rays get food?
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Sting rays are a cousin to the shark, at once they WERE sharks, but for some reason they changed and lost their teeth and shark-like shape. So, to adapt and to get food, they developed a tail that stings and paralyzes their prey.

Where does string rays live?

they live in the deep blue sea where the fich are

What are string rays habitat?

usually tropical places Like off the coast of Australia

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food what else

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No. Gamma rays will not make materials radioactive.

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No. Uv (ultraviolet radiation) rays are used on food to kill unwanted bacteria withoud harmful chemicals.

How do string rays protect themseleves from predators?

by not going in the water and throwing rocks so it doesn't get hurt and kill you

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ozone depletion causes the UV rays to enter the earth. These rays are fatal for food and forests.

What does x-rays do to food?

Allows you to see what is inside it.

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What is a sting rays favorite food?

squid & catfish