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submarines change the behavior of some whales but they do not harm whales

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Q: How do submarines effect the whales?
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If you mean whales, they die painfully.

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Huh ? :-)

How do submarines and whales get along?

What a strange Question ! On two occassions a whale has charged our submarine,,, we had a big bang but the whales would have had very sore heads. We think they presume we are a rogue male trying to steal there mate, but we will probably never find out.

What kind of science fair invention can you make by using recyclables?

When science fair invention you can do is to make submarines out of empty plastic soda bottles. This project will explain buoyancy and how it plays an effect in the movement of submarines.

Does tsunami effect whales?

yes. whales live in the ocean. that's where tsunamis occur as well. they probably run into each other sometimes i bet

Why is the effect of biomagnification so great in killer whales?

because killer whales produce a hormone called brominiam, and that increases their biomagnification rate by almost 100%. This is why killer whales arent everywhere in the world.

Why is water a good medium for communication between dolphins?

Sound waves travel very well in water. Warships, including submarines, use passive sonar to listen for enemy ships and submarines. Passive sonar employes underwater hydrophones to listen for sounds. They can detect sounds of ships and submarines miles away. Marine mamals such as whales and dolphins detect sound in much the same way.

What are the two types of submarines that the US Navy operates?

1. Ballistic submarines 2. Attack submarines

What do submariners refer to submarines as?

Boats, Subs, Submarines, Home.

When was Submarines - poem - created?

Submarines - poem - was created in 1917.

When was Dallas Submarines created?

Dallas Submarines was created in 1920.