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they were most likley to hide in bunkers

and wait the storm out but it depends on how big the supercell.

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Q: How do supercells affect people?
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Are tornadoes supercells?

No. Supercells are powerful thunderstorms that produce the majority of tornadoes.

What is often associated with very severe thunderstorms called supercells?

Supercells are often associate with tornadoes.

Why do metioroligests look for supercells when they want to study tornadoes?

Because nearly all tornadoes are produced by supercells.

Does supercells have anvils?

Yes, supercells are often noted for having a well defines, albeit windswept anvil.

Is a supercell possible?

Yes. Thousands of supercells occur every year. Without supercells there would not be strong tornadoes.

Why are super cells produced in tornadoes often produce large hailstones as well?

Supercells are not produced in tornadoes. Tornadoes are produced in supercells. Supercells, especially tornadic supercells are very strong storms with powerful updrafts. A very strong updraft in a thunderstorm is one of the most important ingredients in producing large hail.

Can a supercell cause a tornado warning?

Yes. Most tornadoes are produced by supercells and thus most tornado warnings are prompted by supercells.

How do mesocyclones effect people?

Mesocyclones, the rotating updrafts of supercells, are responsible for producing the majority of tornadoes, including all of most destructive ones.

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What are thunderstorms that develop intense rotating updrafts?


What are called supercells?

The term 'supercell' usually relates to an extremely large thunderstorm. Supercells can develop into huge electrical storms - or (if the storm starts to rotate) generate tornados.

Are storms and supercell storms the same thing?

No. A supercell is just one kind of especially powerful storm. So all supercells are storms, but not all storms are supercells.