

How do the Incas sacrifice people?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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10y ago

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The Inca people sacrificed young children by cutting their hearts out.

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Q: How do the Incas sacrifice people?
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What was the Incas religions please explain?

There were different types of religions: Gods religion: they believe in thousand of gods Sacrifices: they sacrifice people for the gods because the Incas believe that the gods were angry

How many people did Incas sacrifice?

The Incas sacrificed over 1000 children between the age of 6 and 15. Before being sacrificed, the children were given coca leaves and alcohol.

How did the Aztecs sacrifice people?

That is a very interesting question. They put them in a crate and throw them in a firepit. The Mayas and Incas also did this.

What empire was known for human sacrifice?

The Incas were suppose to have done human sacrifice.

What ceremonies were performed by the Incas?

The Incas indulged in human sacrifice, particularly of children, in a ceremony known as capacocha.

Why did the Incas Practice Sacrifice?

The Incas sacrificed because if they did not they thought the world would stop running smoothly!

Did the Aztecs and incas sacrifice people for there economy?

they sacrifice people to please gods, they thought when they kill people the sun will raise which make the crops grow ....which make them have a lot of crops they can sell so i think it helps in economy.

What ceremonies or religious practices did the incas have?

human sacrifice, etc.