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Surrendering was not an option.

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Q: How do the Japanese feel about surrendering?
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Internment on the Japanese mainland to be used as slave labour. The Japanese considered them subhuman for surrendering and therefore slaves.

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The Japanese were in Indochina...but they were surrendering to the allies...the French re-entered Vietnam (and Indochina) in 1945...the British were involved with Malaysia and those regions.

How did World War 2 finally end in the Pacific?

With the Japanese surrendering on the deck of the USS Missouri. Of course after we dropped a couple big bombs on a few of their cities.

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the Bushido code was a Japanese honour code, where the Japanese would commit suicide instead of surrendering. the did not believe in surrender and were taught to take their own lives as apposed to disobeying their honourable code. the Japanese therefor did not respect POW that surrendered and so treated them terribly, killing most of them.

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Why was the atomic bomb used to end World War 2?

Because the Japanese would not surrender to the US. The US needed a show of power and the two atomic bombs were the solution. The US claimed they had more, to frighten the Japanese into surrendering, but they really didn't have any more.

What was keeping the japanese from surrendering in 1945?

Byrnes did not want to publicly offer Japan their main peace condition: retention of their emperor, whom the Japanese believed to be a god. He was worried about the administration's public popularity if Truman allowed Japan to keep their emperor in return for Japan's surrender.

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How did the us get the Japanese to surrender in World War 2?

The United States dropped an atom bomb on Hiroshima, a major Japanese city. This did not result in surrender. So the United States dropped a second atom bomb on Nagasaki, another major Japanese city. This was finally enough to force the Japanese into surrendering.

What was the Japanese attitude towards surrendering to the US during World War 2?

As with ancient Sparta, it was death before honor. Meaning, it was better to die on the battlefield than to LOSE one's honor.