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When Juliet drinks the poison, they lie her to rest in the family tomb. Benvolio tells Romeo that is where she is, and he goes there to kill himself. i think Paris goes to visit her body and Romeo kills him.

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Q: How do the bodies of Paris romeo and Juliet all end up in the capulets tomb?
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How do the bodies of Paris Juliet and romeo end up in the capulets tomb?

When Juliet drinks the poison, they lie her to rest in the family tomb. Benvolio tells Romeo that is where she is, and he goes there to kill himself. i think Paris goes to visit her body and Romeo kills him.

Why does Paris think that Romeo has come to Juliet's tomb?

Paris thinks that because Romeo killed Tybalt, he is one of those Montagues that has an insane hatred of Capulets and therefore has come to desecrate the tomb and the bodies within it.

Why is Paris at the tomb and what happen to him?

It is unclear why Paris is at the tomb, but he is killed by Romeo in a duel. Paris dies defending Juliet's honor and seeking to stop Romeo from disturbing the tomb.

When does romeo stab Paris?

Romeo stabs Paris in Act V, Scene III of Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet," when he encounters Paris at Juliet's tomb. Paris believes Romeo is there to desecrate the tomb, and they engage in a heated confrontation, resulting in Romeo fatally stabbing Paris.

Which family does county Paris most closely in Romeo and Juliet?

Paris is a member of the Duke's family but identifies himself totally with the Capulets.

Why do Friar and Paris show up at the Capulets' mausoleum in scene 5?

Paris has come to mourn Juliet, who he intended to marry. The Friar is hoping to get to Juliet before Romeo does

What event are the capulets preparing for in act4 scene 5?

In Act 4, Scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet, the Capulets are preparing for Juliet's wedding to Paris. However, the event takes a tragic turn when Juliet is found seemingly dead in her room.

Why does Paris think that Romeo come to the tomb?

Paris thinks that Romeo plans to commit some act of desecration or vandalism. Paris is easily prejudiced and is happy to believe that Romeo is an evil monster just because he is a Montague. Compare Paris instantly believing the worst of Romeo to Romeo's compassionate behaviour to Paris.

In Romeo and Juliet What family does nurse belong to?

Romeo is a Montague, and Juliet is a Capulet.

What the familes are called of Romeo and Juliet?

Romeo's family is the Montagues, Juliet's is the Capulets.

What are the families who are feuding in romeo and Juliet?

Romeo's family are the Montagues. Juliet's are the Capulets

Who were the two families in Romeo in Juliet that were archenemys?

The family names were Montague and Capulet.