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Q: How do the height and thickness of clouds influence the probability of precipitation?
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Why does cloud droplet and ice crystal size influence the probability that clouds will produce precipitation?

This is because the larger the cloud droplet size, the heavier the clouds will become which causes them to rupture and produce precipitation.

Do clouds always produce precipitation?

No, usually only Nimbus clouds produce noticeable precipitation.

Is the source of all clouds and precipitation water vapor?

The convection is the source of all clouds and precipitation

What are thunderhead clouds that produce precipitation?

cumulonimbus clouds

Does precipitation form clouds?


What does precipitation fall from?


What type of cloud usually produces precipitation?

The clouds that usually produces precipitation are called cumulus, cumulonimbus and nimbostratus clouds. These clouds are in the lowest level of the atmosphere.

Large thunderhead clouds that produce precipitation are called?

cumulonimbus clouds

Thunder clouds that produce precipitation are called clouds?

it depends if you are asking what type of cloud is it if it produces thunder and precipitation. if so then they are cumulonimbus clouds otherwise know as thunderheads.

What is the difference of the clouds?

Height and precipitation

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precipitation !