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the hooves of a klipspringer are specially adapted to walk on the crevices in mountain,it has hooves horizontally aligned in order to do that.

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Q: How do the hooves of the klipspringer antelope help it to move among the rocks?
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Why does klipspringer call?

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Pick their hooves daily for any rocks. Treat for thrush if horses have any (white smelly stuff from moisture).

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Lichens, tree roots, and animal hooves.

How does a horses hooves look like?

A horses hooves look kind of likc rocks. They can be off white in color, and they will have indentations at times, depending on how often they walk without horseshoes on.

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yes that is how they keep them in good condition. they also scrape their hooves on rocks to help.

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The can not. AS many may know, this is a trick question because I'm sure that physically they can but literally since there is a metal hoof covering it then they can't see there own foot.

How do animals cause mechanical weathering?

Animals cause mechanical weathering in various ways. One of the common ways is by stepping on rocks with their hooves and breaking them down.

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