

How do the horses feet work?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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just like humans feet work its just they have 4 feet and humans have 2 feet.

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Q: How do the horses feet work?
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Can horses jump over 5 feet?

yes, some horses have been known to jump 7-8 feet! But you must work up to this. build your horses muscles up. Its better to take a few months to work up to 5 feet than to spend a year with an injured horse, not being able to ride at all.

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Cows feet are different from horses feet because a horses foot is solid across and a cows foot has toes or has a split in the middle.

Why do horses horses have hooves?

horses have hooves so their feet don't get so dirty. it also protects their feet from getting hurt

Does a horse have 4 feet?

No, the correct name for a horses feet are "Hooves". A horses foot is called a "Hoof"

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From 2.5 feet to 7 feet

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Their feet.

Do vets work with horses?

Some vets will work with horses. Otherwise, there are specialty equine-vets who will work almost only with horses.

How many horses can you fit into an empty barn that is 100 feet high and 50 feet wide and 70 feet long if a horse is 6.5 feet high 4 feet long and 2 feet wide?

Given that this is a riddle, there are many answers possible depending on the way you think about it: * One horse: after the first horse is put in the barn, it isn't empty. Mathematically, we can work out how many horses would fit if we can arrange whatever way we like: * 6730.77 horses: The volume of the barn divided by the volume of a horse gives the number of horse volumes that could fit in the barn volume. * 437.5 horses: If horses cannot be stacked, this is the area of the barn floor divided by the area a horse takes up giving the number of horses that fit if only one level of horses goes in the barn. In reality, we cannot fit parts of a horse or put them in any shape we want like a liquid: * 6555 horses: 437 horses per level and we can fit 15 levels of horses in the barn. * 437 horses: this is the number of horses that fit if we cannot stack horses and we cannot fit parts of horses around them.

What did the Seminole tribe used for transportation feet canoes or horses?

All of the above but not horses because they did not have horses.

What do you call the feet of a horses?


Why do horses stand on 3 feet?

Horses rest one leg at a time.