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Q: How do the lights on GE in Schenectady NY get changed to red and green every year for Christmas?
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Can you use indoor Christmas lights on an artificial tree?

Yes you can I do that every year.

What is Taylor Swift's favorite day?

Probably Christmas Day. She has a Christmas themed party every year because her birthday is in December, and she puts up Christmas lights in September.

What day do the lights turn off at temple square?

The Christmas lights at Temple Square are on from Thanksgiving to New Year's Day each year. The regular temple lights, which illuminate the temple, are on every night.

Do Fijians celebrate Christmas?

they get together in the biggest hut and share their food with each other.

Which public places have dancing Christmas lights on display every year?

One of the most famous displays of public lights at Christmas is at Disneys Hollywood Studios in Orlando Florida. Called the Osbourne Family Spectacle of Dancing Lights. They were originally constructed by an Arkansas business man for his 6 year old daughter and were moved to Disneyland in 1995.

What time do the lights at temple square turn on each night?

The Christmas lights or the every day lights? The Christmas lights turn on just after it gets dark, around 6 p.m. Not all lights turn on at the same time, but its a pretty safe bet that if the sun is down the lights are on (if it's before 11 p.m... they are usually turned off then). Christmas at Temple Square is from Thanksgiving Day to New Years Day. The temple is lit up every night throughout the year. The lights are turned on as soon as the sun starts setting. (which could be between 5 and 9 p.m., depending on the season) The Salt Lake Temple is one of few temples that is lit up all night, the lights are rarely turned off. Check out the "Related Links" for photos.

Is there any given tradition about when to turn on Christmas lights?

Not sure what you're referring to here ... traditionally, most people turn their Christmas lights on every night from the time they put them up, until the time they take them down. Are you, perhaps, refering to the *last* time you're supposed to turn on your Christmas lights, before taking them down? Because there is a tradition of keeping up holiday decorations until Epiphany, when they are to be taken down until next year.

What is a sentence using the word bedeck?

Here is a sentence for the word BEDECK:My family and I bedeck our house with Christmas lights every winter for Christmas.I hope this helps

Ways to Save Money with Christmas House Lights?

Each year, many people put up Christmas house lights. Because of this, the month of December sees the highest electricity bills than any other month for families of average size. This is because people do not know how to properly set up or turn on their Christmas house lights in a way that is efficient. Here are a few things that you can do to save a little money with your Christmas house lights. Switch to LED-LED are a brighter light that are longer lasting and use less energy. The less energy that you are using the more money you can be saving. This is not something that many people think of when putting up their Christmas house lights. LED lights come in all the traditional Christmas colors as an old-fashioned strand of lights do. They may be a little more expensive for the original purchase, but since they last longer than an average Christmas light, you will not have to replace them as often, which will save you money in the end. Wait Until Dark-One of the biggest mistakes that people make with their Christmas house lights is that they leave them on all night long and all day long. There is no purpose in doing this. During the daytime, the natural sunlight is too bright to see the Christmas lights; therefore, you are wasting electricity by leaving them on all day. On the other hand, most people are in their homes for the night after 9PM. Keeping your lights on all night long is just running up the bill and annoying the neighbors. Putting your lights on a timer so that they automatically turn on and off at a predetermined time will help you save a lot of money on your Christmas house lights. Minimal Lights-Although beautiful to look at, it really is not necessary to cover every inch of your roof with Christmas house lights, making your home look like an airport runway. A few strands along the front of the house and a few light up Christmas decorations in the yard is more than sufficient to show your Christmas spirit. By minimizing the lights you put out you can save yourself a lot of money.

What disadvantage does the series string type of Christmas tree lamp posses as compared to the 110V parallel type of Christmas tree lamp?

Series means that the same current passes through every component, so in Xmas lights, if there is one dead bulb or a break in the circuit, every light goes out. If Xmas lights were in parallel, they would each have a direct connection to the power supply, and would all be independent of each other.

Will Christmas be in 2012 this year?

There is a Christmas every year!!

This is Christmas?

Christmas is December 25th, every year.