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Q: How do the listed factors affect the amount of runoff?
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What factors affect water runoff?

The Major Factors That Affect The Amount Of Water Runoff In An Area Are: - amount of vegetation and non-permeable surfaces (development) - slope of land (grade) - duration and rate of rainfall - nature of ground (soil type) - soil saturation (moisture)

The amount of surface runoff increases as?

A number of factors. Soil saturation is one.

Does vegetation affect the amount of runoff?

Yes, plants absorb some of the water. It thick vegetation might slow runoff down too.

Four factors that can reduce the amount of direct runoff?

i can give you one fator DAM is one of them

What is erosion and how does it affect the lithosphere?

Erosin is just runoff! the runoff affect the lithosphere

How would an increase in storm runoff to rivers most likely affect ground water?

An increase in storm runoff to rivers most likely would affect ground water by reducing the amount of infiltration and groundwater recharge. This is where water moves downward from surface water to ground water.

Factors that impact drainage density?

runoff- the higher the evaporation the lower the drainage desity.the amount of rainfall and infiltration. if there is more rainfall there is less infiltration

What is the 5 factors that affect runoff?

I think they are Parent material, Relief, Organisms, Climate, and Time.

What are four factors of runoff that determine runoff?

The first factor is the amount of rain an area receives, the second factor is vegetation, the third factor is the type of soil, the fourth factor is the shape of land, and the final factor is how people use the land.

How does rain affect runoff?

....runoff is when water overflows from a river so if theres too much rain it could overflow the river and create a runoff

What factors control precipitation?

slope and runoff i think

How urbanization affect river discharge?

Urbanization generally means more impermeable surfaces, like concrete. This increases the amount of runoff (rain going to rivers) which means an increase in the amount (and velocity) of discharge.