

How do the locksmith tools work?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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12y ago

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Each tool works in a different way. However, a lock has what are called tumblers inside and each tumbler is set to a different height depending on the grooves of the key that fits it. Locksmith tools push each tumbler up or down depending on which way they need to go, and then when you get to the back, you can use a second tool to turn the key hole and unlock the lock.

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I have locksmith tools and machines.My brother had a locksmithing business and he died, there is every tool and machine available for sale Assured Lock Tool & Supply has a lot of locksmithing tools to choose from, they are out of Bradenton, Florida and can be reach by phone at: 888-318-8940 or through their website: are the tools still available please i want to buy the Tools and may be if the price is good everything. you can call me @ 510-200-3390. Dennis thanks

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need locksmith for that , 270 705 1430 , i can talk u thru this or pay a locksmith their price for the work ...u got to have special tools for this job, by the time u buy the tools might as well have them do it

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Columbus Locksmith a wonderful locksmith company servicing in Ohio. They are certified , bonded and Insured and offer top quality work.

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