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A seed needs the right temperature and moisture. A plant needs moisture, the right temperature, and sunlight.

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Q: How do the needs of a seed differ from the needs of a plant?
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How leaf of one plant differ from other?

because they grow with a different seed and if you growed it with the same seed the leaves will be the same !

Does a seed need to make food?

All a seed needs to make or obtain its own food is sun and water .Then the food is stored in the cotyledons until the plant needs it.

What is needed for a plant to germinate?

The Answer: A plant needs water in order to spread its type. A seed also needs air and a growing medium such as soil in order to germinate.

Can you plant seeds from an avocado?

Yes, you can plant avacado seeds. There are 2 ways on how you can plant the seed. Either you can immerse the seed in water or you can plant it in the ground. If you plan to grow it in water, get about 3 toothpicks to make holes in the seed's side. Next you can put the seed half submerge in a jar or glass. You need to make sure that the pointy one needs to be upwards and flat one needs to be in water. If planning to plant in the soil, it needs to have good drainage and porous. The temperature needs to be in between 60 to 70 degrees. The soil moisture must be maintained. In these conditions, the leaves will appear in a few weeks.

Can you plant a seed in water indstead of soil?

Yes, you can plant a seed in all sustances, but it probably won't grow because it needs other elements that are not abundant in water such as oxygen.

How a flower makes a seed?

A flower makes a seed by doing this:First of all the stamen the male part of the plant needs to get it needs bees or other living things to help.when it gets pollen,the pistil the female part of the plant who produce egg cells combine,and a seed is made.

How does a flower make a seed?

A flower makes a seed by doing this:First of all the stamen the male part of the plant needs to get it needs bees or other living things to help.when it gets pollen,the pistil the female part of the plant who produce egg cells combine,and a seed is made.

What is a seed plant?


How gymnosperm differ from angiosperm?

angiosperms are a flowering plant that produces seeds within a fruit. gymno are a woody vascular seed plant whose seeds are not enclosed by an ovary or fruit

How do the leaves and seed leaves of plant differ?

the leaves and seed leaves diver because of were the plant is from. the most common shape of leaves are a rounded three leave 'foot'. the genetic make up is exactly the same from plant to plant and this is complete fake and made up flying duck yo(take out the lying and d)

Why is light only necessary one the plant has germinated?

Because the seed only needs water and nutrients to germinate and turn into a plant. Once the plant grows above the surface, it needs the sun In order to produce glucose for food

Is a Venus Flytrap a seed or non seed plant?

The Venus Flytrap is a seed plant.