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Q: How do the pigs under leadership of napoleon cleverly deceive the other animals of animal farm and slowly but surely take over the ownership living royally and luxuriously?
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What was Napoleon's leadership like?

he was a dictator.

Did Napoleon Bonaparte have good leadership ability?

He had exceptional military and political leadership skills.

Napoleon's leadership of France ended with his?

Defeat at Waterloo.

How did Napoleon's leadership end?

With his exile to St. Helena.

What was one weakness in Napoleon's leadership style?

He was a dictator.

Who was against Napoleon?

Most of Europe opposed his leadership of France.

What were napoleon bonaparte's leadership style and philosophy?

He was dictatorial and ruthless.

Who begins to take leadership in chapters 2 through 4?

Snowball and Napoleon.

How did Napoleon take back leadership of France?

He escaped from exile in Elba and took over.

What Marine Corps rank is derived from Napoleon's leadership philosophy?

Napoleon was a good country loyalist but ruthless leader, Grande Armée was the name given to the rank.

How did victory help Napoleon's career?

It got him noticed by both the political and military leadership of France.

What does Mr. Jones do as the rebellion begins Animal farm?

Discuss the animals' condition under Napoleon's leadership.