

How do the plates move to form volcanoes?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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The tectonic plates move divergent when they move away from each other, convergent when they are colliding with each other, and trasform when they slide past each other.

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Q: How do the plates move to form volcanoes?
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What happen if the plates move?

If plates move and earthquake is produce! But it depends in the way it moves because it can form volcanoes and mountain too

What happen as earth's plates move away from each other?

When earths plates move away from each other ( separate ) Volcanoes form.

What kind of plates cause volcanoes?

Plates do not cause volcanoes. Volcanoes generally form at the boundaries between plates. They form at convergent and divergent boundaries.

Do volcanoes form along mid ocean ridges where two plates move together?

Volcanoes that form along a mid-ocean ridge are called volcanic islands. These volcanoes occur when the plates move apart to produce gaps which molten lava rises to fill.

Where do volcanoes mostly form?

Volcanoes usually form where tectonic plates meet.

Where do vocanoes form and why?

Volcanoes usually form between tectonic plates in the earth's crust. Hot molten rock beneath the surface gets pushed up as these plates move, and sometimes large rock formations will form. Volcanoes can form in places that arent on the edge of tectonic plates, however, but the Ring of Fire is where most of the earths volcanoes are concentrated, around the Pacific, North American, and South American plates.

What is the relationship between volcanoes and Earth's moving plates?

When the plates collide they form volcanoes and earthquakes.

What do fault lines and volcanoes have to do with one another?

The most active fault lines are usually at boundaries between tectonic plates. Most volcanoes form at boundaries where plates either come together or move apart. Additionally, in an area where conditions are right for volcanoes to form, faults can provide a pathway for magma to reach to surface to form a volcano, thus influencing where volcanoes form on a localized scale.

What are two natrial dasasters are comonly associated with the movement of plates?

Earthquakes and volcanoes form when two plates move against each other along a fault line.

Are most volcanoes on land caused by the earths plates moving away form each other?

Sometimes it causes earthquakes, as well as when earths plates move in opposite directions. But yes, volcanoes are also formed when these plates move out of place or away from each other, for example Hawaii. That is an example of plates sliding through the ocean which causes islands.

Do volcanoes erupt when earths plates move?

Well, when earths plates move away from each other that's when it happens but move well then NO!

Do volcanoes form only on the edges of plates?
