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Q: How do the relative proportions of the cranium and face compare with those of the adult skull?
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Size of the adult face compared with its cranium?

the baby's cranium is huge relative to its face, and several bones are still unfused

The space in the adult cranium has a capacity of how many liters?

1 liter

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say something (i'm guessing the relative is legally an adult)

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A baby tooth is smaller than a adult tooth.

What can you compare to the size of the uterus?

The rule of thumb is that the adult uterus=an average adult fist.

Are immovable joints found in the adult cranium?

There are four immovable joints found in the adult cranium that are referred to as sutures. The coronal suture is between the frontal bone and the parietal bone. The sagittal suture is between the two parietal bones. The lambdoidal suture is found between the occipital bone and the parietal bone. The squamosal suture is found between the parietal and the temporal bones.

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the fetal bones are much more delicate than the adult

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The rate is twice as high as the adult rate.

When an adult passes away who is responsible for their funeral?

Their closest relative probably

What should you as an adult do about an underage relative dating an adult?

It depends on the age of the "underage" relative. If they are 17 or older i would let it be. however, if any younger i would tell mom or dad. after all its family right????

If a child dies with no will do parents and siblings share equally in the estate?

Unless the "child" is an adult there generally is no estate. If they are an adult the relative nearest to them inherits For instance, my estate would go to my mother since she is my nearest living relative.

How does the fetal skeleton sternum compare to the adult skeleton sternum?

it is weaker