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it was the british actually mocking the patriots with a song because it you listen to the lyrics it quotes: "Macaroni" (Something Fancy) the patriots later used this in battle during the Rev. War (:

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Yankee doodle rides to Town on a pony sticks a feather in his hat and ate some mackaroney.

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Q: What does the song Yankee doodle really mean?
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What is the 19th word in the song Yankee doodle?


What produced the song Yankee doodle?

The American Revolution

Is Yankee Doodle a name?

"The Yankee Doodle Boy", also well known as "(I'm a) Yankee Doodle Dandy" is a patriotic song from the Broadway musical Little Johnny Jones written by George M. Cohan. The play opened at the Liberty Theater on November 7, 1904.The play concerns the trials and tribulations of a fictional American jockey, Johnny Jones (based on the real life jockey Tod Sloan), who rides a horse named Yankee Doodle in the English Derby. Cohan incorporates snippets of several popular traditional American songs into his lyrics of this song, as he often did with his songs.The song was performed by James Cagney in the 1942 film Yankee Doodle Dandy, in which he played Cohan.An early hit version of the song was recorded by Cohan's contemporary and fellow Irish-American Billy Murray, who sang it as indicated in the lyrics.On July 4, 2009, Bob Dylan opened a concert at Coveleski Stadium (South Bend, IN) with his own version of this song. -SO YES IT IS -HOPED I HELPED-

What songs were played at the surrender at Yorktown?

The song was called "The world turned upside down" because it was very popular and it was true, the world was turned upside down.

Why did Yankee doodle become popular?

To make fun of the patriots.Macaroni was a slightly derisive term used in England to describe a style of dress which sought to emulate the latest fashions from the Continent (France). Wigs, lace, ruffles were put together in manners excessive and gaudy. Concurrent with this quest or craze for sartorial equivalence the culinary world was enjoying Pasta. In this period the generic was Macaroni not pasta and the same folks going overboard with the clothing served macaroni morning noon and night to show their culture and refinement in all things. The more staid folks laughed at them and applied the term Macaroni to those they thought deserved it.Flash across the sea where soldiers camped sometimes within earshot of each other. The Red Coats sang the song Yankee Doodle to deride the competition.Yankee Doodle (Doodle is as it was then a word associated with Fool, when you doodle you fool around)Went to town riding on a pony ( The English were proud of their Calvary made up of well bred livestock where the colonist made do with a mix of not so pretty horses)Stuck a feather in his hat and called it Macaroni (The far extremes of sartorial style represented here to diminish the colonial even more.) I do not remember which battle but a large number of Red Coats were captured and marched to internment with the Colonial Soldiers singing that tune to the embarrassed British soldiers. There after Yankee Doodle was adopted as a slap in the face to those who thought so little of the Colonist Soldier.Read more: What_does_MACARONI_mean_in_the_song_yankee_doodle

Related questions

What state's song is Yankee doodle?

Yankee Doodle is Connecticut's state song.

Which state's state song is Yankee Doodle?

Yankee Doodle is the state song of Connecticut.

Is the song 'Yankee Doodle' patriotic?

Yes but its not really meant to be because 'yankee doodle' is a term that means 'foolish american' There is a link to a related question below.

What is a song that was popular in the colonial times?

There were really no "songs" as there was plain music. But Yankee Doodle is a Colonial song.:)

How do you spell Yankee-Doodle?

There is no hyphen, and the full phrase is "Yankee Doodle Dandy" (the patriotic song).

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Which state's song is Yankee doodle?


State song is Yankee doodle?


What state has the song Yankee doodle?


Which song became an American Theme song for the Revolution?

Yankee Doodle

What song ended the war of 1783?

Yankee Doodle.

What is the 19th word in the song Yankee doodle?
