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They all move at the speed of light. Wavelength varies, but the speed is the same.

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Q: How do the speeds of various electromagnetic waves compare?
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How does light waves compare with sound waves?

Light waves are electromagnetic waves that move at the speed of light. Sound waves are compression waves that move through a medium (air, liquids, solids), with varying speeds according to the medium.

In what ways are sound waves and electromagnetic waves different?

Sound waves require a medium to travel through, while electromagnetic waves can travel through a vacuum. Sound waves are mechanical waves that require particles to propagate, while electromagnetic waves are made up of oscillating electric and magnetic fields. Sound waves are slower than electromagnetic waves and are typically used for communication over short distances, while electromagnetic waves can travel long distances at the speed of light.

All electromagnetic waves travel at speeds of?

All electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light in a vacuum, which is approximately 299,792,458 meters per second.

How does the speed of light compare with the speed of gamma rays when both speeds are measured in a vacuum?

Same speed - light and gamma rays are both electromagnetic waves, but with different frequencies.

What properties are the same for all electromagnetic waves in a vacuum?

Their speeds are all the same.

Who invented em waves?

Electromagnetic waves were predicted, by calculations, by James Clerk Maxwell. Later, different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum were either discovered or confirmed to be electromagnetic waves by various scientists.

Describe the speed of the various electromagnetic waves in a vacuum?


Do types of electromagnetic waves differ in their speeds?

No. As long as radio, light, and X-rays are all traveling through the same stuff, their speeds are the same.

Which travels faster radar or light?

Radar is accomplished by bouncing radio waves from the target.Radio waves and light are the same phenomenon ... both are electromagnetic waves,and their speeds are equal.

Are the sun's rays mechanical waves or electromagnetic waves?

Electromagnetic waves

What does all these words have in common wavelength waves frequency and amplitude?

These words are all related to the characteristics and properties of a wave. Wavelength refers to the distance between two consecutive points on a wave, frequency is the number of complete wave cycles that pass a point in a given time, and amplitude is the height or intensity of a wave.

How are electromagnetic waves different to radio waves?

Radio waves ARE electromagnetic waves.