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well they are by sex :)

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Omar Soudjat Jnr Iet

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Omar Soudjat Jnr Iet

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1w ago

Sperm cells move from the stigma to the ovules through a structure called the pollen tube, which grows down the style of the flower towards the ovary. This process is facilitated by the germination of pollen on the stigma, followed by the growth of the pollen tube to deliver the sperm cells to the ovules for fertilization.

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Q: How do the sperm cells get from the stigma to the ovules?
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What is difference between somatic cells and gametes cells?

Somatic cells are not involved in sexual reproduction. These are most of the cells in your body. Gametes are sex cells (sperm and ovules/eggs).

The sperm cells of a flowering plant are contained where?

The sperm cells of a flowering plant are contained in the pollen grains, which are produced in the anthers of the flower. The pollen grains contain the male gametes that will fertilize the female egg cells in the ovary of the flower.

Does the stigma of a flowere contain sperm cells?

The answer is no. The anther contains pollen which contains sperm cells. Mainly through pollination, the pollen from the anther travels down the pistil, and meets the egg where it fertilizes the egg.

Is stigma to hold the plant?

No, a stigma is the tube (style), that pollen grains go down and meet ovules. I would guess that the stem hold the plant.

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Angiosperms are FLOWERING PLANTS. The flower is the reproductive organ of an angiosperm. The female reproductive organ of a flower is the PISTIL. Three parts make the PISTIL: The stigma, the style and the ovary. The stigma is the sticky tip of the pistil. The style connects the stigma to the ovary. The ovary contains one or more ovules. Pollination occurs soon after a grain of pollen lands on the sticky stigma. The pollen produces a tube that grows through the style and into the ovule (remember that one or more ovules are inside the OVARY). A sperm cell is released from the tube to fertilize the egg cell in the ovule. The result is a SEED that may eventually become a new plant. So the seed develops inside the OVULE.

What part of the flower makes eggs cells?

The female reproductive part of a flower is called the pistil. It consists of the stigma, style, and ovary. The ovary contains the eggs cells, also known as ovules.

What happens to pollen when it lands on the stigma?

it is send down to the ovaries, this creates ovules.

What does the ovary do to help a flower to make seeds?

Pollen goes down the pollen tubes from the stigma in the ovary are ovules. where the pollen fertilizes the ovules. afterward seeds are formed when the fruit is produced

What are the male and female reproductive cells in a plant?

The male reproductive cell in a plant is the pollen, contained in the anther of the flower. The female reproductive cell is the ovule, contained in the ovary of the flower.

What are the major part of the?

Pistil-consist of stigma,style,ovary and ovules Stamen-anther and filament Sepal Petal

How does the pollen tube reach the ovary?

one an insect or animals spreads it,it goes down the STIGMA and into the OVARY then into the OVULES

What do bioligists call female germ cells or egg cells?

Gametes, also known as sex cells or reproductive cells. In animals, these are the sperm and ova, in plants the pollen and ovules. In asexual reproduction, known as agamogenesis, reproduction is generally by mitosis, or division.