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The inner planets' surface materials differ from the outer planets because the inner planets have rocky surfaces and the outer planets have gas surfaces.

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Q: How do the surface materials of the inner and outer planets differ?
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How do inner planets differ?

Inner planets differ from outer planets because they have rocky core (excepting Pluto), and the are much smaller than outer planets, which are bigger and take more time to orbit Sun than inner planets because of their location. Outer planets are farther from the Sun than inner planets.

How do the inner planets differ from the outer?

The outer planets are mostly composed of gases and the inner planets are mostly made of rock, metals.

How do planets farther from the sun differ from that planets that are closer to the sun?

The four outer planets are gas giants - they are much larger than the four inner planets, and they consist mainly of gas - they don't have a surface on which you can stand.

How does the distance between the inner planets differ from the distance between the outer planets?

As the names suggest, the inner planets are closer to the Sun than the outer planets.

Why are the inner planets different to the outer planets?

The inner planets are all considered rocky planets in that under atmospheric layers, they have a rocky surface. The outer planets are made of gas and liquid, and are called gas giants. They have no solid surface. Also, all the outer planets have rings while the inner planets do not.

What characteristics of all the inner planets share?

Inner planets are also known as Terrestial planets which means they all have a rocky surface.

How do inner planets differ from the outer one?

They have rocky surfaces.

Are inner planets made of different materials?


What are 3 ways inner planets are alike?

The four inner, rocky planets are also known as the terrestrial planets. These are; Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. The inner planets all have a clear solid surface, unlike gaseous planets. The inner planets do not have a ring system. The inner planets are of similar densities.

Why is the surface temperature of Venus higher than the other surface temperatures of the inner planets?

The surface temperature of Venus is higher than the surface temperatures of the other inner planets because of its thick atmosphere.

Which of the outer planets has a surface more similar to the inner planets than to the outer planets?

None of them do. All the outer planets are gas planets while all the inner planets are rocky. You might be thinking of Pluto. It has a solid surface, but it is no longer considered a planet.

What is the surface of inner planets like?

Rocky Surfaces