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Q: How do the wages and working hours of most entrepreneurs compare to the wages and working hours of most workers?
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How to show fte as hours in rosters?

Full time equivalence (FTE) is a number that represents the hours that a specific employee is working compared to other workers. You will need to determine the amount of hours needed to classify someone as a full time employee and use it to compare workers. Rosters can be changed based on FTE calculations.

Which was TRUE of working hours during the 19th century for urban workers?

Workers of all classes increasingly worked shorter hours

What workers have special working hours rules?

Clayton Wilson

Which of these was not a goal of union Better working conditions Fewer workers Shorter hours Better pay?

Of these options, fewer workers was not one of the goals of early unions. Unions focused on achieving better working conditions, shorter hours, and better pay for all workers.

Harsh working conditions for British factory workers in the 19th century?

The harsh working conditions for British factory workers in the 19th century include long working hours, for as long as 16 hours a day, and physical punishment to make workers speed up production. Since machines were not designed for safety, many fatal accidents resulted.

What did industrial workers do in the 1800s?

They faced low wages and long hours in unsafe working conditions.

What improvements sought by workers included?

higher wages, better working conditions and more hours.

What was formed to help workers deal with long hours low pay and dangerous working conditions?


In the late 1800s industrial workers?

They faced low wages and long hours in unsafe working conditions.

What were working conditions for factory workers during the the Civil War?

Working conditions during the Civil War were harsh. People worked long hours and were paid very low wages. There were strikes during this time by workers to improve the working conditions.

Why did Samuel gompers think labor legislation was necessary?

skilled workers skilled workers in craft unions to achieve economic gains.