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They eat all old dead living things and decompose it

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1mo ago

Worms are important for soil health as they tunnel through the soil, aerating it and improving drainage. They also help break down organic matter, releasing essential nutrients into the soil for plants to use. Their burrows create pathways for water, air, and plant roots, supporting a healthy ecosystem.

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Q: How do the worms play a importance in the environment?
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What is the average body temperature for a worm?

The average body temperature for a worm is generally around the temperature of its environment, as worms are ectothermic and rely on external sources to regulate their body temperature.

What is a good social issues project for grade 6?

A good social issues project for grade 6 could be researching and presenting on the importance of recycling and its impact on the environment. Students could create posters or a video to raise awareness about the benefits of recycling and encourage others to adopt sustainable practices. This project can help students understand the importance of taking care of the environment and how their actions can make a difference.

What is importance of classmates?

Classmates play an important role in our academic journey by providing support, fostering collaboration, and helping us learn from different perspectives. They also contribute to our social development by building friendships and teamwork skills. Having strong relationships with classmates can enhance the overall learning experience and contribute to a positive school environment.

What is importance of sociology in economic development?

Sociology plays a crucial role in economic development by examining how social factors such as culture, institutions, and social relationships influence economic processes. It helps identify social barriers to economic growth and development, and provides insights into how to address issues like income inequality, poverty, and access to resources for a more sustainable economic development. By understanding the social dynamics at play, policymakers and businesses can make more informed decisions to promote inclusive growth and development.

Is the social environment more important than an individual's biological makeup?

Both the social environment and an individual's biological makeup play important roles in shaping behavior and development. While biological factors can influence traits and tendencies, the social environment can impact behavior through learning, experiences, and interactions with others. It is often a combination of both that determines an individual's overall behavior and well-being.

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The importance of environment education is that it creates awareness on the conservation of the environment.

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Yes, segmented worms are very helpful to humans (especially gardeners) and the environment because those segmented worms (ex. earthworm) fertilize the dirt.

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How does an American robin interact with other organisms in the environment?

Robins play a massive part in their environment. Robins keep insects like worms from becoming too overpopulated by eating them.

How do worms adjust to changes in environment?

they dig soil