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Q: How do the writing systems of Egypt Sumeria and the Indus valley differ?
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What is one conclusion you can draw about the indus valley civilization?

The Indus Valley Civilization had good wells.They had good sewer systems and waste water flowed out to the drains located under the streets and than was carried to the sewer pits beyond the city walls.The Indus Valley Civilization end probably because of predictable floods that destroyed the civilization.The Indus Valley Civilization unique because the cities were planned out before they actually built.The education in the Indus Valley was oral, and the writing was done on bark and sometimes leaves.The wife would usually teach within the house, they would also be the ones to teach about religious morals and practices.

What distinguishes cities of the Indus Valley?

Planned cities and had their own Plumbing and sewage systems

What did the Indus Valley civilization do much of its writing on?

The Indians (people from India) used this river. They wrote In Sanskrit, The written Language developed by India.

What are advantages and disadvantages of indus valley civilization?

The advantages of living in the Indus Valley Civilization; there was running water, drainage systems, people could read and write, there was trade with other cultures, there was a government, and domestic animals such as cattle, and crops such as rice and cotton. The disadvantages of living in the Indus Valley Civilization; monsoons caused floods, and in the dry season the people and animals were too hot and hungry and thirsty.

What were the scientific contributions of the Indus Valley Civilization?

The Indus River Civilization had many contributions that shaped and formed our present day society. They had running water and drainage systems, standard weights and measures, metallurgy, a writing system, agriculture, care of animals and bronze weapons.

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The people of the indius river valley traded all what with Sumeria except of bronze?

iron biches XD

What are the innovations of the Indus River Valley?

The Indus River Valley used irrigatrion systems for farming and were the first people to grow cotton.

What evidence suggests that the Indus Valley cities had a well organized government?

They had well-planned cities.The Indus valley had a well-organized government that planned cities and towns with running water, sewer systems, roads in a grid system. They had standard weights and measures, and a writing system that did not differ from one town to the next.

What did the indus valley civilization invent?

Indus valley towns had running water and sewage systems. The world's oldest port is found at Lothal, an Indus Valley city on the coast. The world's oldest agricultural field is found in an Indus Valley site. The Indus valley people had their own writing system, and pictures of this may be seen at 'Indus Script Dictionary' on Facebook.

What were some of the inventions of the Indus valley civilization?

The Drainage system, assembly hall, cotton, brick, granary, great bath, dance, art, writing and weights were some of the inventions and contributions of the Indus Valley civilization.

What was the ancient writing of ancient Indus Valley?


What did the Indus Valley civilization did much of its writing on?


When did human started writing?

Humans began writing around 5,000 years ago in ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, and the Indus Valley. The first writing systems were pictographic and evolved into more abstract symbols and alphabets over time.

How does mesopotamia civilization differ from indus valley civilization seal?

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How did the geography of the Eskimo people differ from that of the people located in the Indus river valley?


Did the indus river valley have cities with sanitation systems?


How does the shape of the glaciated mountain valley differ from the mountain valley?

Glaciated valleys are U-shaped, non-glaciated valleys are V-shaped.