

How do they keep warm in the highland in papua new guinea?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: How do they keep warm in the highland in papua new guinea?
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Do you wash a guinea pig?

yes it is good to keep them clean they like warm water

Why does 2 guinea pigs crawl on each other if they are both girls?

to keep warm

Are your baby guinea pigs ok outside?

they will be ok out side but you may want to get an adult to keep it company and something to keep them warm

What do you do if your guinea pig has a cooled?

jst make sure u keep it warm and take it 2 the vet

Will giving a guinea pig a bath hurt it in any way?

No just fill the little baby tub up to about a couple inches and buy guinea pig soap in the pet store and put a dab of soap and then rub it in carefully and get a cup and take a little bit of water in the cup and poor on the guinea pig and do that until the soap comes out and when done bathing wrap up in a warm towel and keep him/her very very very very warm or will get sick if dont keep warm.

Is a guinea pig cold blooded or warm blooded?

Warm blooded all mammals are warm-blooded.

Are guinea pigs cold blooded or warm blooded?

warm blooded i have one at home

Is it ok to bath a guinea pig in the winter?

Yeah you can, as long as you keep the water you use at a warm tempurature, dont use a hairdryer or anything because it will scare it and may cause frustration, i'd just use a towel to dry them n keep them warm =) hope this helped

How do you know if it's safe to keep a guinea pig outdoors?

it is safe to keep guinea pigs out side just as long as their hutch is water proof and was a cover area that is warm. i would also recommend the hutch have a soild wire floor or wood floor to prevent any other animals digging under the hutch to get the guinea pigs. hope this helps

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Why does your guinea pig always fall over?

My guinea pig always falls over when I brush her so I may be brushing her to hard or she has something wrong with one of legs.somtimes your guinea pig could have a ear infection and may fall over because of that if somthing is wrong or if your guinea pig will not stand up please take it to the vet as fast as you can and keep your guinea pig warm

How do mammals keep warm?

whales keep warm by their blubber! good question