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The active chemical stays in your system for a few weeks, so they look for it, and no, your doctor has to send the urine away to a lab for analysis.


This is wrong. Many doctors have urine screens that show results in minutes. Right in the office.

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Q: How do they test for marijuana in urine can it be done at local doctors?
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Is drug test urine base?

Usually. It can also be done by testing hair follicles, and cotton swabs in your mouth. Standard drug tests for marijuana are usually urine tests.

Can you be 3 months late get negative urine and blood tests and still be pregnant?

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How long will marijuana stay in body weight about 220 lbs and 5'9'' tall and have not smoke marijuana for two months how long marijuana stay in urine and blood?

probably some were from a month to like 50 days in your urine. blood idk. marijuana stays in your urine up to a month if not more but you would have to be smoking or eating alot of it usually for urine yeah the case is it will pass in 30 days but blood can go back farther and im not sure on it but if you got a hair folicle test your screwed it tells what every drug you've ever done so be smart dont get yourself caught in the situation where you have to be tested.

Can antibiotics cover marijuana in a urine test?

No it is proven, even with to days technology that it is imposible to cheat a urine test. For more information just mesg my page [Medicalslinky] and I can give you websites to research more on this topic and others like it.

How does big y test for drugs?

Why yes they do. You are given 24 hrs. to have an einstant urine test done at a local lab.

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I heard that if you drink your own urine it definitely will cover it up. I have done it! Its honestly not too bad.. if you don't think about it too much. (:

What is mouth swab test?

A mouth swab test or a saliva drug test is mainly used because it is cheaper than urine or blood tests. It can show if an individual has recently taken any type of drug, but they're not as complex as urine or blood tests. For example, if you have smoked marijuana recently - the mouth swab test can usually detect it for up to 4 or 5 days. If you smoke marijuana and have a urine test done, it can be detectable for up to 30 days if you are a frequent smoker.

Where can liposuction info be found?

Liposcution information can be found at your local doctors office and hospital. You can also search for it and ask family and friends who have ad liposuction done.

What can be used to test for positive and negative results other than urine?

A blood test can be done at your doctors office. Ultra sound of the uterus can show if there is a a sac forming but the standard urine test will normally turn positive before it is possible to see a sac forming with ultra sound.

I have to use the bathroom but I already have so why am i still having the urge to go to the bathroom?

You could have a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) You need to go to the doctors/clinic and have a urine analysis done and they will be able to treat it appropriately.

Is a microbiology test done with a urine specimen?

yes, example of urine culture and sensitivity.

What conditions are tested for in a 24 hour urine test?

A 24 hr urine test can be done to estimate the total excreted protein in urine to test for nephritic syndrome, assess catecholamine to detect adrenal tumors like pheocromcytome, 24-hour copper urine test is done to determine if a patient is suffering from Wilson's disease, A free cortisol 24-hour urine test is done to determine if a patient has Cushing's syndrome. 24 hour urine pregnancy tests are advised after 10 days of ovulation and fertilization. However, the doctors' advice waiting till the missed periods as the pregnancy test taken before this may indicate a false pregnancy result. A 48 hr urine sample of a newborn baby can test more than 100 genetic metabolic disorder.